Thursday, June 21, 2012

GIF images : Ghosts in The Greatest Love

Ghosts in a romantic-comedy drama? Viewers sure have keen eyes...

Okay, let's play hide-and-seek first. Try to find 'her'.

okay now you're wondering where's the ghost? Now look closely...

Don't say that you still can't see 'her'? Okay, take another closer look...

PHEW! Found 'her', right? okay, here's the screencaps

Some netizen said that most probably that was just a staff member, or a passer-by who tried to pull out a lame joke. When I first discover that scene, it's not scary at all. But after spending some time making these gif images, and have to see it over and over again, I think it's haunting me already. That 'girl' surely is a tall 'human'. If she really is a human. 

This is cool. ^^ . I think I want to have a new hobby. It's called 'Ghost hunting in non-horror movies and dramas.' 



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