Friday, July 27, 2012

Bukan entri 18SX : Can't get enough Porn?

Salam alaykum.

If you're from google search with the entry 'Sex, Porn' or anything related to sexual needs, then don't close this page. 

If you're surfing the Internet just to get some satisfaction by gliding through porn sites or adult sites and watching what shouldn't be watched, please take a minute to read this until the end.

I know I'm a woman, but to think that it's inappropriate for me as a woman to discuss about this', you are wrong.

Have you ever heard about sexually compulsive behaviors (SCA) ? In short, it is called sexual addictive. 

"Members of SCA have learned through sharing their experience, strength, and hope with each other  that sexual compulsivity is a disease.  This disease has three dimensions: physical, emotional, and spiritual.  Physically, we engage in sexual behaviors that we know are not healthy for us or that place us in legal, physical, or spiritual jeopardy.  Emotionally, we experience a "high" in contemplating and engaging in the "acting out" behavior, followed by an emotional let-down after acting out has concluded.  Spiritually, we feel disconnected from others, especially from relationships we want to be "healthy" ones."

Regardless of gender, age and religion, sexually compulsive behavior is one big dilemma. Have you ever heard the news of a teenager who died after a long day of continuous masturbation? You know that after watching some of those inappropriate videos or pictures, you want to masturbate. And only then you'll get satisfied. So that's how it is? That's all?

You know that you're wasting your time, and putting your health in danger. Physically, you may get heart attack, kidney problems, and sex organs malfunctions. Emotionally, you can't stop thinking about 'making it out' and this can distract you from doing other jobs, as it become your priority to satisfy 'the needs'. And spiritually, it's endangering you relationship with God, and affecting your effort on making good deeds.

You seriously must learn that you are having this illness. Then it's time for you to recover.

First you shouldn't be afraid or ashamed to ask for help. You know that this is unhealthy, and you need to stop yourself, but if you're trying to get help only from your own self, you are getting nowhere. Self-prohibiting is one way, but you need to get help from others. And of course, there's discipline to be practiced.

Visit these pages for more information about SCA, how to recover and seek help from the expert. 

This Ramadhan, let's make a big change in your life.

nota kaki | Pornography addiction is the muslim ummah's #1 addiction. Let's help our ummah to survive. Spread the word.



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